Square Fourteen

The One with the Neat Increases

How to “Make 1”

Increases in stocking stitch are a lot more visible than in garter stitch. For a neat result, you need a tighter stitch than a twisted loop.

My preferred increases for stocking stitch are the so-called make one increases: Pick up the horizontal bar between your needles and twist it to the right or left. This corresponds to a twisted loop in the row below, but has the advantage that the stitch is pulled tight and is thus a lot less visible.

By twisting alternately to the right and left you can create symmetrical increases. This is my preferred way of increasing in stocking stitch, e.g. when making sweater sleeves.

You already know how to

New abbreviations

  • M1: Make one increase
  • M1l: Make one left
  • M1r: Make one right


Cast on 27 sts.

Work according to chart, i.e.:

Rows 1 to 5: Sl1p, k26.

Row 6 (RS): Sl1p, k10, k2tog, kyok, ssk, k11.

Row 7 and all odd-numbered rows up until and including row 41: Sl1p, k3, p19, k4.

Row 8 (RS): Sl1p, k10, k2tog, kyok, ssk, k11.

Row 10: Sl1p, k9, k2tog, k1, m1l (= make one left), k1, m1r (=make one right), k1, ssk, k10.

  • Make one left:
Make one left increase (m1l)
  • Make one right:
Make one right increase (m1r)

Continue working from chart as set.

In rows 40 and 42 you will need to make a double decrease, like the one in Square Thirteen: Slip one stitch knitwise, k2tog, pass slipped stitch over.

Cast off and weave in ends.

Knitting chart: Make one increases

Anna’s tips 😉

🧶 When making increases or decreases at the edges of a piece, it is best to do so after the first stitch and before the last stitch of the row, or alternatively, after the first two and before the last two stitches.

Geeky Notes 🤓

Usually, as in this square, all shaping is done on right side rows. Very rarely will you need to make symmetrical shaping on purl rows.

If you successfully completed this square, you have learned how to

  • “Make 1”

…and you can move on to

Square Fifteen: The One with Shaping on Purl Rows

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