Square Eleven

The One with the Increase

How to make a kfb increase

Knitted square with diagonal line

In Square Seven you learned how to make a yarn over increase. But, as already mentioned, that increase leaves a hole.

One way of increasing without leaving a big hole is to knit a stitch twice, first the usual way through the front leg and subsequently through the back leg.

You already know how to

New abbreviations

Kfb: knit front back


Cast on 27 sts.

Work according to chart, i.e.:

Rows 1 to 6: Sl1p, k26.

Row 7: Sl1p, k3, p19, k4.

Row 8: Sl1p, k19, k2tog, kfb, k4.


Ιn row 8 you have decreased a stitch by knitting 2 together and you have added a stitch by knitting a stitch twice.

At this point you had better count your stitches to make sure that you still have 27 in total.

Row 9: Sl1p, k3, p19, k4.

Continue working from chart as set.

Cast off and weave in ends.

Knitting chart: How to make a kfb increase

Geeky Notes 🤓

This is an easy increase and is often used in garter stitch. It is normally not used if you want invisible symmetrical increases, since the horizontal bar created makes it quite visible and since the mirrored kfb is a more complicated and not very widely known stitch.

If you successfully completed this square, you have learned how to

  • make a kfb increase

…and you can move on to

Square Twelve: The One with the Double Increase

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