How to join skeins

How to join two pieces of yarn

If you have reached the end of your skein, or should you – heaven forbid – find a knot in your yarn 😱 😱 😱 (this does happen unfortunately!) the most elegant way is to splice the yarn by sewing one end into the other.

The ends to be joined should taper at the ends. To achieve this, break the yarn by pulling it – rather than cutting it with a pair of scissors – or fray the ends with a scissor blade.

With cotton it’s bit harder to get a tapered end: I cut each thread at a different length.

Taper your ends when joining skeins

Some people tie a so-called magic knot. I’m not a great fan of knots in my knitting, so I prefer to splice as described above.

What is your favourite method of joining skeins? Let me know in the comments below 👇

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