Square Seventeen

The One with the Boxed Squares

How to knit jogless stripes in the round

Square knitted in the round with homocentric squares

As you noticed in Square Sixteen, when knitting in the round, you usually get a jog at the beginning of the round. When knitting stripes in the round, you will get this jog at every colour change. If you carry the yarn from one stripe to the other, you cannot use the yarn end to even out the jog.

My preferred method is twisting the yarns anticlockwise at colour changes. That way, the yarns pull in opposite directions, evening out the jog.

You already know how to

Extra materials

As for Square Sixteen.


Using a circular needle and dark colour yarn (DC), cast on 108 sts.

Rnd 1: Join in the round and place a marker to mark the beginning of the round. Purl a round placing markers after the 27th, the 54th and the 81st stitch.

Take care not to twist your stitches.

Rnd 2: [Ssk, k to 2 sts before marker, k2tog, SM] 4 times. (100 sts.)

Rnd 3: Purl.

Rnd 4: As rnd 2. (92 sts.)

Rnd 5: Purl.

Twist yarns anticlockwise and continue with DC.

Twist yarns anticlockwise.

Rnd 9: Knit.

Rnd 10: As rnd 2. (68 sts.)

Rnd 11: As rnd 2. (60 sts.)

Twist yarns anticlockwise and continue with DC.

Rnd 15: Knit a round, transferring the stitches to DPNs and removing markers.

Rnd 16: [Ssk, k7, k2tog] 4 times. (36 sts.)

Rnd 17: [Ssk, k5, k2tog] 4 times. (28 sts.)

Twist yarns anticlockwise and continue with DC.

Rnd 21: Knit.

Cut both yarns and pull the DC yarn through the remaining stitches (see Square Sixteen). Pull the yarn to close the hole tightly and weave in the ends.

Geeky Notes 🤓

This is what the wrong side looks like:

Knitting jogless stripes in the round - The wrong side

Some knitters like to slip the first stitch of the first round after the colour change, but this means that this stitch column will have fewer stitches than the rest, and I’m a little OCD 😳 so I cannot live with that.

Which method do you prefer? Let me know in the comments field below 👇

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  • knit jogless stripes in the round

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Square Eighteen: The One with the Colourwork… Oooops, Sorryyyy…🫣 Square Eighteen is temporarily unavailable… We’ll be back with you soon!