Square Twenty-Six

The Knobbly One

How to close the gap next to a bobble

Square knitted in the round with bobbles

The previous bobbles were made using the kyok multiple increase. In bobbles the kfbfb is also used quite frequently. This increase, however, leaves a humongous hole next to the bobble. It is possible to close this gap in the next row or round.

You already know how to

New abbreviations

  • Kfbfb: knit front, back, front, back
  • P2sso: Pass two slipped stitches over

Extra materials

  • size 4mm (US size 6 or UK size 8) circular needles 40cm (16in) long
  • five double-pointed needles, size 4mm (US size 6 or UK size 8)
  • four markers, one of which should be different than the rest


Using a circular needle, cast on 108 sts.

Rnd 1: Join in the round and place a marker to mark the beginning of the round. Purl a round placing markers after the 27th, the 54th and the 81st stitch.

Take care not to twist your stitches.

Rnd 2: [Ssk, k to 2 sts before marker, k2tog, SM] 4 times. (100 sts.)

Rnd 3: Purl.

Rnd 4: As rnd 2. (92 sts.)
Rnd 5: Purl.
Rnd 6: Knit.

Rnd 7: As rnd 2. (84 sts.)
Rnd 8: As rnd 2. (76 sts.)

Rnd 9: Knit

Rnd 10: As rnd 2. (68 sts.)
Rnd 11: As rnd 2. (60 sts.)

Rnd 12: Knit.

Rnd 13: As rnd 2. (52 sts.)
Rnd 14: As rnd 2. (44 sts.)

Rnd 15: Knit, transferring the stitches to DPNs and removing markers.
Rnd 16: [Ssk, k7, k2tog] 4 times. (36 sts.)
Rnd 17: [Ssk, k5, k2tog] 4 times. (28 sts.)

Rnd 18: Knit.

Rnd 19: [Ssk, k3, k2tog] 4 times. (20 sts.)

Rnd 20: [Ssk, make bobble, k2tog] 4 times (12 sts.)

Make bobble as follows: Kfbfb, turn, sl1p, p3, turn, sl1, k3, turn, sl1p, p3, turn, sl2tog, sl1, pass slipped st back to left-hand needle with the right leg at the back and knit it together with the next stitch tbl, p2sso.

Rnd 21: In this round, close the gaps before the bobbles: [K1, lift up the bar between the stitches onto the left needle with the left leg in front, knit it together with the next stitch (the stitch of the bobble), k1] 4 times.

Cut the yarn and pull it through the remaining stitches (see Square Sixteen).

Pull the yarn to close the hole tightly and weave in the ends.

Geeky Notes 🤓

This trick can be used to close any unwanted gaps that appear in your projects. Such gaps typically appear at the armholes on top-down sweaters or at the corners of the heel in socks.

If you successfully completed this square, you have learned how to

  • close the gap next to a bobble

…and you can move on to

Square Twenty-Seven: The Knotty One

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