Square Five

The One With The Chart

How to read a chart

Square with diamond in reverse stockinette

Some knitting patterns include charts, so reading a chart will be a useful skill to learn. 

Charts usually show the right side of the knitting. Each square represents a stitch.

The empty squares in the chart are therefore to be knitted when you are on a right side row and purled when you are on a wrong side row.

The squares with a dash are to be purled on right side rows and knitted on wrong side rows.

And as in the previous squares, always slip the first stitch purlwise.

Remember that the right side of your square (the one meant to be seen) is the one facing you when the cast on tail is bottom left and that row 1 is a wrong side row.

All odd-numbered rows (wrong side rows) are to be read left to right and all even numbered rows (right side rows) are to be read right to left. 

So, the first row you knit, is a wrong side row. Start at the bottom left of the chart.

You already know how to

New abbreviations

  • RS: right side


Work according to chart, i.e.:

Rows 1 to 6: Sl1p, k26.

Row 7 (WS): Sl1p, k3, p19, k4.

Row 8 (RS): Sl1p, k12, p1, k13.

Row 9 (WS): Sl1p, k3, p9, k1, p9, k4.

Row 10 (RS): Sl1p, k11, p3, k12.

Row 11 (WS): Sl1p, k3, p8, k3, p8, k4.

Continue working from chart to end. Cast off and weave in ends.

Knitting chart - Diamond

Anna’s tips 😉

You can use a piece of cardboard to cover up part of the chart to keep track of the row you are knitting. Cover up the rows above – not below – the one you are knitting. That way, what you are seeing on your chart will correspond to what you can see on your knitting.

Geeky Notes 🤓

There are several different knitting symbol systems. Most charts therefore include a key to the symbols. Make sure to check it out!

Below you can find an empty chart, so you can compose your own patterns using knit and purl stitches. Don’t hesitate to share your creations with us!

Empty knitting chart

If you successfully completed this square, you have learned how to

  • read a chart

…and you can move on to

Square Six: The One with the Decrease

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