Square Twenty-Seven

The Knotty One

How to close gaps on purl rows

Knitted square with bobbles

The previous square was knitted in the round. If you are knitting flat, the holes around the bobbles need to be closed on the following row, which is a WS row.

You already know how to


Cast on 27 sts.

Rows 1 to 6: Sl1p, k26.

Rows 7, 9 and 11 (WS): Sl1p, k3, p19, k4.

Rows 8 and 10 (RS): Sl1p, k26.

Row 12 (RS): Sl1p, k6, make knot as follows: Kfb, turn, p2, turn, k2tog. [K5, make knot] twice, k7.

Row 13 (WS): Sl1p, k3, p3. [To close the gap: Slip the next stitch (the bobble stitch), lift up the horizontal bar between the needles onto the left needle with the left leg in front, slip the bobble stitch back onto the left needle and purl it together with the loop on your left needle], p5, repeat brackets, p5, repeat brackets, p3, k4.

Continue according to chart.

Cast off and weave in ends.

If you successfully completed this square, you have learned how to

  • close gaps on purl rows

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